3 Factors that affect the Fabric of the Curtain

by | Jun 9, 2023 | Metal Fabrication

Engineering isn’t all sitting behind a desk, clicking keys and staring at a computer monitor. Engineering is actually a very hands-on job, especially when you’re working in maintenance repair, construction and infrastructure, and manufacturing and technology. There’s plenty of opportunities to use your hands as well as your head, and create some of the most vitally needed products of the 21st century. From replacing panels on a damaged automobile, to creating aircraft parts, to creating the girders that underpin construction projects and infrastructure, or even building and maintaining steam plants an engineering fabricator has many choices in terms of career path.

What Skills Do I Need?

You’ll need to prepare for a combination of coursework and a hands-on apprenticeship that will teach you the basics of engineering fabrication. Some of the skills that you will learn include:

1. Metals and properties
2. Use and care of equipment
3. Safety procedures
4. Drafting and drying
5. Interpreting plans
6. Joining, riveting, and welding
7. Forming and shaping metal

You’ll also need to be ready to think creatively, work with a team, and discipline yourself in order to be effective at your job. Physical strength is also a factor as the job can involve some heavy lifting. It can take as much as four years to complete an apprenticeship, so you’ll have to be persistent and patient as well. Brush up on your mathematics and English skills, and work on your communication in order to be well prepared.

Get Ready for a Future

Careers don’t happen overnight, it takes self-discipline and hard work to get to the point where you are in demand. However, careers in engineering are always in demand. Something always needs to be fixed or built, and anything can be improved with innovative thinking and new technology

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